Complete the following sentences by using the Infinitive, Past, or Past Participle of the verb listed.

  • Fix
Susan likes to ____________ the photocopier when it is broken.
Susan ____________ the photocopier each morning.
Having ____________ the photocopier in the morning, Susan was ready
to go to the meeting.
  • Called
After having ____________ the office, Harry sat down to rest.
Harry wants to ____________ the office.
Harry ____________ his supervisor and then had a break.
  • Answer
Jeannette ____________ the telephone.
Jeannette wants to ____________ the telephone immediately.
Jeannette ____________ the telephone.
  • Travel
Mr. Jones likes to ____________ to different countries.
Having ____________ to Paris, Mr. Jones needed a rest.
Mr. Jones ____________ to Paris.

References: see reference page here