Conjugate the verbs using the future tense in the following sentences: | Conjuguez les verbes suivantes au futur. |
1) We ___________ at home tonight if you’re too tired. (to stay) | |
2) The Toronto Centre ___________ its doors on June 5 for renovations. (to close) | |
3) ___________ you ___________ to the wedding with me? (to come) | |
4) For every dollar given to the Foundation, the Government ___________ two more. (to give) | |
5) They are not happy with the service they have received. In one week, they __________ for a transfer to another bank. (to apply) | |
6) When we go camping, we ___________ in the car. (to sleep) | |
7) The Minister promised to find jobs for the unemployed. When ___________ he _________ through with his promise? (to follow) | |
8) The baby sitter ___________ the children in the park. (to watch) | |
References: see reference page here