Complete the following sentences with the correct form of to do.  

  1. ____we have time to go to a movie?
  2. I ____ not enjoy swimming.
  3. Roberto and Liam _____ their homework in the livingroom.
  4. Sally_____ her gardening in the mornings.
  5. They ____ not like flying.
  6. ____ Brett listen to country music?

Conjugate the verb to do in the following sentences in the present or the past tense. Conjuguez le verbe faire dans les phrases suivantes au présent ou au passé.

1) I _________  not want to go to school today.
2) She _________  the cleaning in the house every Saturday morning.
3) He _________  not understand you because he is deaf.
4) I _________  the work required of me. I wanted to make a good impression on my boss.
5) They _________  not go to Florida this year because of the exchange rate.
6) _________  you want to come with me to the cottage this weekend?
7) It _________ not rain very much today. In fact, it was almost a sunny day.
8) _________  you think that Jean Smith will be a good Prime Minister?
9) We _________  not have a choice. When we saw the poor road conditions, we  came back home.
10) You _________  not look very happy today. Did something happen?

References: see reference page here